Soat UZ News Publisher in Django and Django Rest Framework =>

Sample Frontend Page >

Feature URLs

  1. news/all-categories - Get all news category
  2. news/<'int:id'> - Get full article information
  3. news/rec/<'int:id'> - Get recommendation news, this is filter with tags
  4. news/search/<'str:query'> - Search news in article title text
  5. news/search/tag:<'str:query>' - Filter news with tag
  6. news?count=<'int:id'>&category=all - Get news for main page
  7. news?count=<'int:id'>&category=<'str:slug_name'> - Get news for main page with category filter


  1. Easy controlling with django admin panel
  2. Easy url request endpoints and drf simple responses
  3. Detecting user interests depending on read news with tag name